Walter – Grand Rapids, Michigan. We have weekly begun our first Adopt-a-Block ministry at Franklin and Madison. The key is consistency. We are so blown away at how many people we have built relationships with and begun to minister too! There has already been a ripple effect. Such as with Walter, who is an 85 year old man who lives in a house alone.
His toilet broke and resulted in running water for weeks and a very high water bill. As we shared his story, somebody in Hudsonville was compelled by God to pay his water bill and we then fixed his toilet. Walter cried when he heard and shouted, “Nobody has ever done this kind of stuff for me, ever in my whole life.”. We told him it was Jesus and he shouted, “The good Lord is taking care of me!”
Our relationship with Walter continues to grow as we visit and spend time with him on a weekly basis. One afternoon as we repaired a ceiling light in his home that containing faulty wiring that could have ignited a fire, he expressed his gratitude that the Dream Center was available to help. We engaged in a discussion with him regarding the Lord’s grace, favor and protection during which he responded with a defining statement saying, “I hope and I feel I have been good enough for God.” Our team asked him if he knew for certain that he was made right with God. Walter responded saying, “I believe so.” That response afforded the Dream Center an opportunity to share the good news of forgiveness in Jesus Christ and having surety in our relationship with God through Christ. With tears streaming down his face, Walter allowed our team to lead him in a prayer of salvation as he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior!
Walter immediately felt God’s love in another way following his prayer. Three days prior to entering into his new relationship with the Lord, Walter had sorely injured his ribs. After receiving Christ, Walter exclaimed, “My side is feeling better!” What is great about our experience with Walter is that we will continue with him in his journey as he deepens his faith in God!