
Women's Ministry

We are motivated by our powerful women’s ministry impact!  The women of any city are the strong fabric for every community and family!  Why?  Because more often than not, it is the woman who has carried the burden of leadership and/or motherhood for our communities and/or families.  This has been a burden represented in such sacrifice for the stability of these relationships.  And such a leader should be empowered, supported, valued, cherished, and celebrated in who they are.  We believe God wants to fulfill any woman who may not be fully experiencing or walking in this confidence and empowerment!  That is our heart in cultivating women’s community through the lens of God’s heart in the Bible!  We see powerful women in the Bible who have led powerfully in fulfilling the Kingdom of God!  We hope that as we get to invest into women, that they will realize this empowered lifestyle walking in God’s provision and not lacking anything.  We hope if there are women we impact who have experienced anything less than this fully alive life such as pain, brokenness, abuse, bondage, or de-valued lives, that our community will begin the redemption of all that God has for them.
Currently we have a women’s ministry that is 3 years old that meets typically in fall through spring with strategic breaks every Wednesday from 12-3 pm.  We are amazed by our powerful ladies who study God’s word, help in community initiatives, and are leading in new program impacts in GRDC and beyond!  This group is built on years of trust, so if you’re interested in getting involved, we would love to connect with you first and determine if it is the right fit and if there is a pathway for you to help become a part of this community!