Let me test you on your knowledge: do you know what the #1 cause to divorce in marriages? The #1 cause is financial stress. What should this tell us? It should teach us whether we are married or single, that our financial management can have the single most powerful impact on our lives if we DO IT WRONG!!! Now, imagine growing up in an environment or culture that doesn’t really teach or demonstrate strong financial management skills or principles and the impact that would have on your life. At GRDC, we have recognized that pattern for many we serve. That is why we are thankful to be bring good financial teaching into GRDC on a new level with our partnership with Greg Rios and West Michigan Community Bank. Greg Rios is in the community department of the bank for West Michigan and one of the things he does is come alongside movements and/or organizations such as ourselves to help facilitate teaching of these principals.
Greg has devoted the last year and half to getting to know our men and women impact program attendees, building relationships, and teaching them financial management skills. In addition it has launched into some of our first class sessions for both groups, and they have all been impacted tremendously by Greg and his efforts.
We were also recently blown away by an unbelievable act of kindness and generosity by our ladies group! They were starting to connect so much with the idea of budget and being wise with spending habits, and seeing the impact that could have on their lives, and it sparked an idea. Greg had used some personal testimony about his family and how they are disciplined in going out to eat. This principle touch the ladies so much that the group rallied toghether to buy him and his family a gift card to go out to eat! This is very meaningful because some of these ladies have experienced poverty. It was a sweet sacrificial gift from them showing how thankful they were to learn financial skills.