We love our kids!!


Children and youth are the future! The communities we get to serve in have some of the highest statics for single-parent homes and/or homes that lack a stable father or male figure. This creates a need for stable adult figures in the lives of children and youth, providing unconditional love and the direction of God. With the communities we get to serve in, we have been very blessed to be trusted with this calling. 

We do that through Powerhouse which is our children and youth program. Powerhouse is designed to have a Bible and obedience-based discipleship impact through building relationships. 

Our goal is to connect individuals with a group and mentor. Our long-term goal is to continue to build up and grow mentors to have a long-term impact in the lives of children and youth. We believe we have a simple system that enables this to happen while it provides simple equipping and training so any adult figure can mentor and disciple children and/or youth.