We all celebrate the beautiful work God has done with GRDC and we love our mission:
“GRDC advances to SERVE and TRANSFORM communities within our city!”
The way we love is the unconditional, no strings attached, love of God in our “SERVE”. This has always been come one, come all, no matter who someone is or where they are at in life. We will love you and be your friend. As we know, this love comes from God. But although God loves all people this way, He didn’t create us to leave us alone, broken, in sin, in bondage, or to be separated from Him. He wants to “TRANSFORM” us! When we are reunited with Him, we get connected to the power source of life, which is His love. His love reflects truth. No one can be transformed while in a condition of lies. Here is a painfully simple way of looking at it: it is amazing when my BREATH STINKS, LOL! About 100% of the time, I can’t smell it although I can talk all day right under my nose. I could tell you that entire day that my breath is great and doesn’t stink. It is amazing to me that someone else could smell it and know it stinks. It takes a loving outside source to let me know the truth. Hey bro, your breath stinks. That is why being united in a loving relationship with God and a community of Christ followers is vital to transformation. When we grow in the truth, God’s truth from the Bible, it empowers us to defeat age-old lies that could have come from Satan, circumstances, generational sin, and so on, that we may not be aware of. In order to be transformed and transform others, Jesus told us in Matthew 29:18-19 to “Go into all the world to make disciples that obey His words”. We must obey His truth.
For years, God has given us access to many families along with their children and youth. I am excited because we have been building to have Biblical “mentor/disciple” groups in our program! I am excited to see more “mentors/disciplers” come and be empowered and equipped, not only with children and youth, but even more so with overall families and adults. Thanks for being a part of “SERVING and TRANSFORMING” those we impact.